Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret – ACT

Asociația Comunități pentru Tineret are misiunea de a dezvolta, implementa și susține programele de dezvoltare a tineretului, construite în jurul conceptului de învățare pe termen lung, mobilitate și stimularea asociativității. Obiectivul principal al asociației noastre este acela de a identifica nevoile  și oportunitățile pentru dezvoltarea tineretului, de a promova și implementa programe de dezvoltare a acestuia, și de a le susține.

ACT- History

Our past projects

Youth Centre in Henry Coanda


Current Projects

Up for Debate

Hello! We are a team of 8 volunteers from Albania, Finland, Spain, Argentina, Sweden, Romania and Italy. All together we are part of UP FOR DEBATE, which attеmpts tο prеparе studеnts tο facе challеngеs basеd οn thе ability tο arguе and cοuntеr-arguе οn civic and sοcial issuеs. It aims tο gеnеratе and stimulatе in yοungеr gеnеratiοns a trustful attitudе in ratiοnal rеsеarch, in thе frее cοmparisοn οf idеas, in thе nοn-viοlеnt cοnduct οf discussiοn, as wеll as a critical attitudе. Aims tο hеlp studеnts tο acquirе thrοugh gaming a dееpеr awarеnеss οf thеmsеlvеs, οf thеir abilitiеs and οf thеir οwn intеrеsts in thе mеrits οf ratiοnality. Promoting the spirit of collaboration, the teamwork attitude and listening ability. We invite you to take part in this journey, we will develop and grow together as people ☺️

Language ACTs2

Hello everyone! Language ACTs 2 is an Educational and cultural project from Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret (ACT) formed by 8 volunteers from Iyaly, Spain, Uk, Germany and France. We are united to share culture and learn languages through informal education with young people from Craiova.




Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, the E-YOU project was needed to pause 😢  The former Team have had made a remarkable work explaining what the EU and its benefits are, as well as, how to become active citizens.Now.. WE ARE BACK with 2 new project members: Dave and Iratxe!!We will try to add value to the understanding of the EU’s benefits from personal experiences. More specifically, from the experiences of people that have had the opportunity to learn and grow within different EU programs.

Faces from ACT

Here you can find some interviews made by the volunteers of the projects E-You, LVI-Bailesti and SHIFT 🙂

Pens from ACT

In this section you can find some articles from our volunteers and ex-volunteers about their experience in ACT’s projects.

ACT Abroad

Kindness movement: a kit for why one should be kind to himself

Alina is a one of our Romanian volunteers abroad (she is currently in Italy), check out her article!

She also has a podcast with one of her colleagues!


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Domenii de actiune

  • Antreprenoriat și locuri de muncă pentru tineri
  • Participare în comunitate și relația tinerilor cu organizațiile nonguvernamentale
  • Societăți incluzive

