Un grup de tineri care și-au depus în mod voluntar efortul pentru a ajuta studenții erasmus să se integreze și să beneficieze de oportunități de înțelegere culturală și dezvoltare personală pentru studenții din România și nu numai. Voluntarii din toată țara, indiferent dacă secțiunile lor colaborează pentru a adăuga valoare experiențelor studenților Erasmus + și, de asemenea, ajung să își dezvolte abilitățile, soft şi hard skills, îndeplinind misiunea ESN de „Îmbogățire a societății prin studenți internaționali”.
There’s more to gender identity than being male or female. Learn more about gender identity and the different ways people can identify themselves.
What is gender identity? What is the difference between gender identity and sexual identity?
These are some of the questions that will be answer FRIDAY by our workshop holder Mirela Maria!
WHEN: 20:00
WHERE: Google Meet
WHERE: Google Meet
ESN Craiova is inviting you to movie night!
Have you ever watched “The Danish Girl”?
If you’re a movie nerd or you just like to spend your free time watching TV shows or movies to broaden your mind, join us for an open discussion about social issues and impressions regarding this eye-opening movie.
Have you ever watched “The Danish Girl”?
If you’re a movie nerd or you just like to spend your free time watching TV shows or movies to broaden your mind, join us for an open discussion about social issues and impressions regarding this eye-opening movie.
Join us Friday, December 4th at 7 PM and tell us your opinions. Nothing is off the table!
WHERE: Google Meet
What could be more pleasant than spending the evening with dear friends, laughing and playing together. We are waiting for you to join us!
WHEN: 28 November
WHERE: Discord
WHERE: Discord